This was translated from the documents listend here. There could be errors in the translation and only the original documents listed here should be considered binding. If you find errors, please email admin@burtoncrossing.com.

IV. A. Common Property. Developer may, from time to time, at Developer's option, convey to the Association for the use and benefit of the Association and the Members real or personal property, or any interest therein, as part of the Common Property in the nature of an easement appurtenant to the Property. The Association shall accept title to any interest in any real or personal property transferred to it by Developer. The Association, subject to the rights of the Owners set forth in this Declaration and the Association Documents, shall be the responsible for the exclusive management and control of the Common Property, if any, and all improvements thereon, and shall keep it in good, clean, attractive, safe and sanitary condition, order, and repair, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Declaration.

IV. B. Personal Property and Real Property for Common Use. The Association may acquire, hold, mortgage and dispose of tangible and intangible personal property and real property in addition to that property conveyed to it by Developer.

IV. C. Cost Sharing Agreements. The Association my enter into cost-sharing agreements with other home owners association pursuant to which the Association agrees to share in the cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing entranceway features, signs, landscaping, storm water retention facilities, mounding, fencing, lake and lake access easements and facilities, and any other improvements that benefit the Property.

IV. D. Rules and Regulations. The Association may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of the Property, which may be in addition to and shall not be inconsistent with this Declaration and the Association Documents. The Association shall have the power to impose sanctions on Owners, including without limitation: (i) reasonable monetary fines which shall be considered a Lot Assessments, (ii) suspension of the right to vote as a Member of the Association, and (iii) suspension of the right to use the Common Property. In addition, the Board shall have the power to seek relief in any core for violations or to abate unreasonable disturbances. If the Board/Association expends funds for attorney's fees or litigation expenses in connection with a enforcing this Declaration, the Association Documents or the Rules against any Owner, tenant, Guest or Invitee of any Owner, the amount so expended by the Board/Association shall be due and payable by such Owner and shall be a Lot Assessment against such Owner's Lot. Owners shall be bound by all such Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Association the same as if specifically included herein and recorded herewith.

IV. E. Implied Rights. The Association my exercise any other right or privilege given to it expressly by the laws of the State and this Declaration, and every other right or privilege reasonably implied from the existence of any right or privilege, granted in this Declaration, or reasonably necessary to effect any such right or privilege.

IV. F. Managing Agent. The Board may retain and employ on behalf of the Association a Manager, which may be Developer, and may delegate to the Manager such duties as the Board might otherwise be authorized or obligated to perform. The compensation fo the Manager shall be a Common Expense. The term of any management agreement shall not exceed three years and shall allow for termination by either party, without cause, and without penalty, upon no more than 90 days prior written notice.

IV. G. Insurance

IV. G. 1. The Association shall be required to obtain and maintain adequate blanket property/casualty insurance, comprehensive public liability insurance and flood insurance covering all of the COmmon Property in an amount as is required by the law or commonly required by prudent institutional mortgage investors. The public liability coverage shall be for at least On Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily injury, including deaths of a persons and property damage arising out of a single occurrence. Such comprehensive public liability insurance policy shall cover all of the Common Properties and shall insure the Association, the Board of Directors, or any committee of the Association or Board, any Managing Agent appointed or employed be by the Corporation, all person acting or who may act as agents or employees of any of the foregoing with respect to the Real Estate or the Development. Such public liability insurance policy shall contain a "separability of interest" clause or endorsement which shall preclude the insurer from denying the claim of an Owner because of negligent acts of the Corporation or other Owners.

IV. G. 2. The Association may, in the Board's discretion, obtain and maintain the following insurance (a) Fidelity bond coverage and workers' compensation insurance for all directors, board members and employees of the Association and all other persons handling or responsible for handling funds of the Association, (b) adequate comprehensive general liability insurance, (c) officers' and trustees' liability insurance to fund the obligations of the Association under Section X. D., (d) additional insurance against such other hazards and casualties as is required by law, and (e) any other insurance the Association deems necessary.

IV. G. 3. The premiums for all insurance hereinabove described shall be paid by the Corporation as Part of the Common Expenses.

IV. G. 4. In the event of damage or destruction of any portion of the Common Property, the Association shall promptly repair or replace the same, to the extent that insurance proceeds are available. Each Owner hereby appoints the Association as its attorney-in-fact for such purpose. If such proceeds are insufficient to cover the cost of the repair or replacement, then the Association may levy a Special Assessment pursuant to Section V to cover the additional cost.

IV. H. Condemnation. The association shall represent the Owners in any condemnation proceedings or in negotiations, settlements and agreements wit the condemning authority for acquisition of the Common Property, or any portion thereof. Each Owner hereby appoints the Association as its attorney-in-fact for such purpose. The awards or proceeds of any condemnation action shall be payable to the Association, to be held in trust for the benefit of the Owners.

IV. I. Books, Records. Upon reasonable request of any Member, the Association shall be required to make available for inspection all books, records and financial statements of the association.