From covenants second amendment:
2. A new Article XI shall be added to the Declaration and shall state as follows:
Article XI. Leasing Restrictions: The Association’s members recognize that an owner-occupant is both psychologically and financially invested in a home to a greater extent than a renter, and thus owner occupants maintain their property better than renters generally. The Association’s members wish to insure that the residents within Burton Crossing share the same proprietary interest in and respect of the Lots and the Common Areas, and to encourage residents to not only maintain property values but also to improve them by recognizing that owner occupants have more incentive to do so compared to non-owner occupants. Thus, the provisions of this Article XI shall be applicable.
A. Ten Year Waiting Period. Any Owner who wishes to lease or rent their Lot, must first own and occupy the Lot for a period of ten (10) consecutive years. After such time, said Lot will be eligible to be leased if all other conditions of this Article XI are satisfied and provided further that the Owner is not delinquent in the payment of any assessments or other charges to the Association. Notwithstanding this Subsection A, if an Owner wishes to lease a Lot prior to the end of the ten (10) year waiting period, the Owner may apply to the Board of Directors for a waiver. The Board may, in writing, approve an earlier lease if the Owner establishes to the Board’s satisfaction that the waiting period will cause undue hardship in the manner as defined in Subsection C above. If a Lot enjoys status as a “Grandfathered Lot” as described in Subsection B, then the ten (10) year waiting period will not apply as long as the Lot is considered to be a “Grandfathered Lot.”
Full covenants second amendment is here.