This was translated from the documents listend here. There could be errors in the translation and only the original documents listed here should be considered binding. If you find errors, please email admin@burtoncrossing.com.

IX. A. Easement of Access and Enjoyment Over Common Property. Every Owner is hereby granted and shall have a right and easement (in common with all other Owners) of enjoyment in, over, and upon the Common Property, and a right of access to and from his/her Lot, which rights shall be appurtenant to, and shall pass with the title to his/her Lot, subject to the terms and limitations set forth in this Declaration, subject to such rules and regulations as the Association shall from time to time promulgate An Owner may delegate his/her rights of access and enjoyment to family members, occupants, guests and invitees.

IX. B. Right of Entry for Repair. The duly authorized agents, officers, contractors, and employees of the Association shall have the right of entry and access to the Property, including without limitation of the Lots, for the purpose of performing the Association's rights or obligations set forth in this Declaration. The Association may enter any Lot to remove or correct any violation of this Declaration or the Rules, or to maintain, repair, and replace the Common Property, but only during reasonable hours and after providing seventy-two hours advance notice to the Owner, except in cases of emergency.

IX. C. Easement for Utilities and Other Purposes. The Board or Developer may convey easements over the Common Property to any entity of the purpose of constructing, installing, maintaining, and operating poles, pipes, conduit, wires, ducts, cables and other equipment necessary to furnish electrical, gas, sewer, water, telephone, cable television, and other similar utility or security services, whether of public or private nature, to the Property and to any entity for such other purposes as the Board of Developer deems appropriate, provided that such equipment or the exercises of such easement rights shall not unreasonably grant such easements over all portions of the Property. The Board or Developer deems appropriate, provided that such equipment or the exercise of such easement rights shall not unreasonably interfere with the Owners' use and enjoyment of the Property. The Board or Developer may grant such easements over all portions of the Property for the benefit of adjacent properties as the Board or Developer deems appropriate; provide that the grant of such easements imposes no undue, unreasonable, or material burden or cost upon the Property; and further provided that the Board or Developer may not convey any easement over a Lot without the prior written consent of the Owner of such Lot (which consent shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld).

IX. D. Easement for Services. A non-exclusive easement is hereby granted to all police, firemen, ambulance operators, mailmen, deliverymen, garbage remove personnel, and all similar persons and to the local Governmental authorities and the Association (but not to the public in general) to enter upon the Common Property to perform their duties.