Trash Schedule

Trash is picked up every Wednesday between 7am and 5pm. Days and time may flex depending on holidays and/or weather conditions. Be sure to place trash in the DPW cart to avoid being blown and littering the neighborhood. Please pick up any loose trash that may remain after the scheduled pick up.

Helpful Hints
Place your cart at least five (5) feet away from any other object — cars, utility poles, fire hydrants, fences or buildings — with the arrow pointing away from your home. If the DPW trucks cannot safely reach your cart, your trash will not be collected.

Heavy trash pick up is the second wednesday of the month. Place heavy trash at the curb only on heavy trash day. Each resident can place two heavy items once per month for collection.

Marion County Links

More details on what you can put in the trash can, holiday schedule , etc can be found here.

Missed heavy trash day? Checkout the Citizens’ Transfer Station.

Need to dispose of toxic items? Checkout the Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Sites.